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Important bits to understand:

  • All parents/ caregivers must stay on site while their youth are on session. Life Learners Group is not a childcare service and you are responsible for your youth when they attend sessions. 
    If someone else is responsible for a child other than the caregiver who enrolled them/ you are leaving them in the care of another person to leave the session the coordinator needs to be made aware.


  • Please be on time for your workshop. If our workshops need to keep restarting this will put things behind schedule.
    If your youth is over 10 minutes late or the facilitator deems the child too late; they may not be able to attend the workshop - particularly if it is time restricted or there is a safety briefing. 


  • Some activities/workshops will have listed something you might need to bring - check the ‘Important Information’ for this; such as shoes must be worn.  Please ensure you bring this on the day or your youth may not be able to participate fully.

  • Please ensure you consider if your youth is able to behave appropriately in any workshops/activities or please stay with your youth to ensure they do.

    Disruptive behaviour from a youth after they have had a warning can result in a facilitator or the coordinator asking the parent/caregiver to collect the youth. This is to ensure others enjoyment of the activity is not affected, safety is not compromised and our volunteer facilitators are not put off.

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